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Tips & advices

Before you contact a translator, you should think of some things and prepare answers to a number of questions.




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with the


Quality takes time

The translator should have plenty of time.

After arrival of all material at Ecoscandia, the translation will take at least 5 working-days for texts up to 2 000 words. Add 1 day for each 1 000-1 500 additional words, depending on the source text's degree of difficulty.

If required, faster deliveries can be discussed. Very fast deliveries, however, can increase the risk of lower quality.

The source texts should be finished

Our prices require that the source text is delivered to Ecoscandia in its final version.

If you, for example, only want to order a translation of the instructions for use for a certain machine, we would advise you to complete all other original texts, which are to be written about this machine. Even though only the instructions for use are to be translated, it's nevertheless an advantage, if the translator can get the finished workshop manual and other documentation as reference material.




Field and type of text

If we get information about the field, the type of text, the quantity and other facts, we can give you an approximate price. In order to make an exact offer, however, we need the complete source text.

Purpose of the translation

Who will read the translation: consumers or experts, patients or physicians? Do you want to use it in your marketing or do you only need it for internal usage within your company?




Direct contact
with the



How the source text should be delivered to us

Preferably as a data file in RTF-format or any other format compatible to Word for Windows, either by e-mail or by post on a floppy disk or CD.

Illustrated texts should be accompanied by a PDF-file with clearly recognisable illustrations or a print-out on paper, which corresponds to the final layout.

In exceptional cases, we can even translate (short) source texts which are not delivered as a data file, if we get the text in excellent (machine-readable) quality, as black text with white or light background. This can result in a higher price.

Layout of the translation

Ecoscandia offers primarily translation services. If required, we can, for example, translate into the customer's Word for Windows-file and keep the original layout intact. Depending on how difficult this is, it will cost an additional charge.




Reference material

All kind of reference material is welcome – preferably in the form of data files. Often the translator's work will be made easier if an earlier version of a similar text is supplied in both the source and the target language.

If, for example, a Swedish text already has been translated into English, this English version can be useful for a later translation into German.

Other useful reference material could be your internal word lists or general information about your company, for example brochures and annual reports. Even descriptions of your competitor's products could make the translation work easier!


Translation problems often first appear when the translator has started his work. Therefore, the customer should name a (competent) person whom we could contact with questions. In ideal circumstances, this could be the writer of the source text. Sometimes, it could be even better if the customer could state two contacts, one person in the country of the source language and one in the country of the target language.


We advise you to have our translation reviewed by your own representative in the country of the target language. Required changes should be made in co-operation with the translator.














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Last modified: 25. Jun 2001                                  © Copyright Ecoscandia